Projects using Sphinx¶
This is an (incomplete) alphabetic list of projects that use Sphinx or are experimenting with using it for their documentation. If you like to be included, please mail to the Google group.
I’ve grouped the list into sections to make it easier to find interesting examples.
Documentation using the alabaster theme¶
Documentation using the classic theme¶
Advanced Generic Widgets (customized)
Apache CouchDB (customized)
Bazaar (customized)
CMake (customized)
Chaco (customized)
DEAP (customized)
EZ-Draw (customized)
Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) (customized)
GetFEM++ (customized)
Glasgow Haskell Compiler (customized)
Grok (customized)
Kaa (customized)
LEPL (customized)
Mayavi (customized)
MediaGoblin (customized)
OpenCV (customized)
Peach^3 (customized)
Plone (customized)
Pygame (customized)
PyQt4 (customized)
PyQt5 (customized)
Python 3 (customized)
Python Packaging Authority (customized)
Ring programming language (customized)
SageMath (customized)
simuPOP (customized)
Sprox (customized)
TurboGears (customized)
Varnish (customized, alabaster for index)
wxPython Phoenix (customized)
zc.async (customized)
Zope (customized)
Documentation using the sphinxdoc theme¶
Python Wild Magic (customized)
Reteisi (customized)
Sqlkit (customized)
Documentation using the nature theme¶
libLAS (customized)
MapServer (customized)
pyglet (customized)
StatsModels (customized)
Documentation using another builtin theme¶
Breathe (haiku)
MPipe (sphinx13)
NLTK (agogo)
Programmieren mit PyGTK und Glade (German) (agogo, customized)
PyPubSub (bizstyle)
Pylons (pyramid)
Pyramid web framework (pyramid)
Sphinx (sphinx13) :-)
Valence (haiku, customized)
Documentation using sphinx_rtd_theme¶
Ansible (customized)
Chainer (customized)
Databricks (customized)
GPAW (customized)
MDTraj (customized)
Minds (customized)
NICOS (customized)
PROS (customized)
Free your information from their silos (French) (customized)
Sphinx-Gallery (customized)
Tango Controls (customized)
TYPO3 (customized)
Documentation using sphinx_bootstrap_theme¶
Documentation using a custom theme or integrated in a website¶
Homepages and other non-documentation sites¶
Arizona State University PHY494/PHY598/CHM598 Simulation approaches to Bio-and Nanophysics (classic)
Benoit Boissinot (classic, customized)
Computer Networks, Parallelization, and Simulation Laboratory (CNPSLab) (sphinx_rtd_theme)
Deep Learning Tutorials (sphinxdoc)
Eric Holscher (alabaster)
Lei Ma’s Statistical Mechanics lecture notes (sphinx_bootstrap_theme)
Loyola University Chicago COMP 339-439 Distributed Systems course (sphinx_bootstrap_theme)
Pylearn2 (sphinxdoc, customized)
PyXLL (sphinx_bootstrap_theme, customized)
SciPy Cookbook (sphinx_rtd_theme)
Tech writer at work blog (custom theme)
The Wine Cellar Book (sphinxdoc)
Thomas Cokelaer’s Python, Sphinx and reStructuredText tutorials (standard)
UC Berkeley ME233 Advanced Control Systems II course (sphinxdoc)
Željko Svedružić’s Biomolecular Structure and Function Laboratory (BioSFLab) (sphinx_bootstrap_theme)
Books produced using Sphinx¶
Theses produced using Sphinx¶
Projects integrating Sphinx functionality¶
Read the Docs, a software-as-a-service documentation hosting platform, uses Sphinx to automatically build documentation updates that are pushed to GitHub.
Spyder, the Scientific Python Development Environment, uses Sphinx in its help pane to render rich documentation for functions, classes and methods automatically or on-demand.